Association Francaise des Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Thu, 10/08/2020 - 11:24

AY Lacertae (UGWZ:)

Patrick Wiggins reports that AY Lac is active in CCD images that were taken today by him on my request (in the course of our CV monitoring programme).

The current outburst can also be seen in recent ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) data:…
LACAY 20201007.270 <17.29g ASN
LACAY 20201007.394 <16.55g ASN
LACAY 20201008.283 13.83g ASN
LACAY 20201008.395 13.72g ASN

Only two previous outbursts were recorded: In late August and early September 1927 (C. Hoffmeister)
and on 11-29 August 1966 (H. Gessner), see IBVS 5441 at

Time-resolved photometry is urgently required. Spectroscopy, multiband photometry, and precise astrometry are also encouraged.

Clear skies,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Outburst of AY Lacertae

I observed of AY Lac with remote telescope in Burke-Gaffney Observatory (Canada). My observations (V band):

2020 10 10.17843  14.393  +/-0.010
2020 10 12.24885  14.880  +/-0.010
2020 10 13.03660  14.994  +/-0.019
2020 10 15.24135  15.388  +/-0.030
2020 10 16.12213  15.500  +/-0.029
2020 10 23.02831  16.258  +/-0.050
2020 10 26.03266  16.671  +/-0.119
2020 10 31.28135  17.222  +/-0.238
2020 11 01.15437  17.152  +/-0.104
2020 11 08.11923  <17.2

My animation from photos taken between October 10 and November 8, 2020:


With best regards,
