Please help me translate the 10startutorial-2013.pdf from English to Arabic

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 11/23/2016 - 14:04

Hello. This my very first post in Aavso. And just to make the communication between us easier and faster, please read my profile a little.

I want to volunteer in the translation of the 10 star tutorial on this link from English to Arabic:
but it would be easier to get the Word version of the file instead of PDF just to keep the formatting of the document without changes and translate the English text only.

I still consider myself a beginner in astronomy as a whole, but I am serious about it and I don't want the enthusiasm I have now to damp quickly.

Thanks in advance.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
!0-Star Tutorial Translation

Dear Rani,

Thank you very much for your offer to help with a translation and your enthusiasm!

I am sending the original of the 10-star Tutorial to you offline (it is actually in PPT format) because I think it is easier for us to coordinate and collaborate that way.

If anyone else is interested in translating any of the AAVSO Tutorials or Manuals (Visual, CCD, or DSLR) into their native languages, please contact me directly: sara [at]

The 10-and 5- star tutorials can be found here:

...while the other instructional Manuals are here:

Best regards,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
OK thanks. I know I am late ,

OK thanks. I know I am late , but i was about to loose hope to get response. Thanks again. I will email you Sara to get the PPT file.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thanks Sara.

Thanks Sara. Just to tell the rest of the AAVSO members I have sent Sara the translation.
Now after reading the tutorial, I think the procedures of the tutorial can be automated. I am a programmer and I know OpenCV computer programming library which can be used in image analysis and processing. I will open a new topic for discssion in the software programs forum.

I also uploaded the translation in Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF format.
I have just noticed : Please do allow in the upload  formats.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
10-Star Tutorial in Arabic now available

Thank you for posting that Rani!

The Arabic version of the 10-star tutorial (along with the English version and some other translations) are also available here:

If anyone would like to translate this tutorial into their own language, please contact me.
