John Dobson's Los Angeles Memorial Dates

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sat, 01/25/2014 - 02:49

The Date/Location of his Memorials in Southern California are as follows:

Sunday Feb 23, 2014. 3:30PM - 5PM at the Hollywood Vedanta Center,  1946 Vedanta Place, Hollywood, CA 90068 Phone: (323) 465-7114. (Nearest major intersection is Franklin/Cahuenga.)

Saturday Mar 8, 2014. 5PM - 7PM at the Griffith Observatory,  2800 E. Observatory Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027 Phone: (213) 473-0800. (At the end of N. Vermont Ave. In association with the 7th ISAN, Int'l Sidewalk Astronomy Night.) Bring your scopes, one and all!