cataclysmic variable

Alert Notice 666: CRTS J105122.8+672528 observations needed urgently

May 14, 2019: Dr. Mark Kennedy (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester) is urgently requesting observations of the potential cataclysmic variable CRTS J105122.8+672528 beginning immediately. This object appears to be in outburst, having brightened to V~16.2 from its minimum magnitude of V~18.5-CV~19.

Alert Notice 642: ASASSN-18pe observing campaign

July 24, 2018: Dr. Matt Darnley (Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University) and the AAVSO are requesting monitoring of ASASSN-18pe, the cataclysmic variable (possible long period dwarf nova) discovered 2018 July 10 by the ASAS-SN program (J. Strader et al. ATel #11867) at magnitude V = 15.8.

Alert Notice 633: Nova outburst of V392 Per = TCP J04432130+4721280

Note: V392 Per still has not returned to its pre-outburst magnitude. Please continue multicolor observations at least until it fades to V~16.5.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, 20 April 2021

V392 Per has not returned to its pre-outburst magnitude. Please continue multicolor observations at least until it fades to V~16.5.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, 7 April 2020

April 30, 2018:

Event: Nova in Perseus - V392 Per = TCP J04432130+4721280

Alert Notice 617: Multiwavelength observations of YZ Cnc, SU UMa, and CR Boo outbursts

March 5, 2018: Bob Jacobs (Ph.D. candidate, Radboud University) and Drs. Samaya Nissanke (Radboud University), Jennifer Barnes (Columbia University), and Deanne Coppejans (Northwestern University) have requested AAVSO observers' assistance in monitoring the cataclysmic variables YZ Cnc, SU UMa, and CR Boo. The goal is to build good multicolor light curves of two outbursts of CR Boo and two superoutbursts each of YZ Cnc and SU UMa.

Alert Notice 608: TT Ari monitoring requested for VLA observations

December 1, 2017: Dr. Deanne Coppejans (Northwestern University) and colleagues have requested AAVSO assistance in monitoring the cataclysmic variable TT Ari in support of observations scheduled to be made with the Very Large Array (VLA) in December 2017.

Dr. Coppejans writes:

Alert Notice 597: GW Lib time set for third HST observation

September 6, 2017: Further to AAVSO Alert Notices 591, 595, and 596, Dr. Boris Gaensicke (Warwick University) informs us that the date and time for the third and final of three HST observations in his campaign on the pulsating white dwarf-containing cataclysmic variable GW Lib has been scheduled for

2017 Sep 13 23:52:02 to Sep 14 04:30:12 UT.

Alert Notice 596: GW Lib time set for second HST observation

August 31, 2017: Further to AAVSO Alert Notices 591 and 595, Dr. Boris Gaensicke (Warwick University) informs us that the date and time for the second of three HST observations in his campaign on the pulsating white dwarf-containing cataclysmic variable GW Lib has been scheduled for

2017 Sep 6 22:36:04 to Sep 7 02:49:26 UT.

Variable Star of the Season Archive

The following articles contain useful and interesting information on individual variable stars. Many of the most popular stars in the AAVSO observing program are featured.  From December 1998 until December 2002, the collection of articles comprised the "Variable Star of the Month" series. Since that time, they have all been published as part of the "Variable Star of the Season" (VSOTS) collection.

Alert Notice 595: GW Lib time scheduled for first HST observation

August 24, 2017: Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 591, Dr. Boris Gaensicke (Warwick University) informs us that the first of three HST observations in his campaign on the pulsating white dwarf-containing cataclysmic variable GW Lib has been scheduled for

2017 Aug 31 20:52:02 to 2017 Sep 1 02:12:21 UTC.