RS Oph

Alert Notice 752: Rare Outburst of Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi (backup copy)

Notes: Post-outburst observations continue to be valuable and of interest. Please continue to observe RS Oph.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, July 2, 2024, September 30, 2024, February 4, 2025

Please continue to observe RS Oph, although the 2021 outburst is over. It returned to a fainter magnitude than before the outburst, so ongoing follow-up observations will be very valuable.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, April 4, 2022

August 9, 2021

Alert Notice 752: Rare Outburst of Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi

Notes: Post-outburst observations continue to be valuable and of interest. Please continue to observe RS Oph.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, July 2, 2024

Please continue to observe RS Oph, although the 2021 outburst is over. It returned to a fainter magnitude than before the outburst, so ongoing follow-up observations will be very valuable.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, April 4, 2022

August 9, 2021

Special Notice #6: Rare Outburst of RS Oph

February 13, 2006: The recurrent nova RS Oph appears to be in a very rare outburst, as seen by the following AAVSO observations:

FEB 13.1631 2453779.6631 4.8 Visual RWG Wolfgang Renz, Germany

FEB 10.2100 2453776.71 11.0 Visual GRL Bjorn Granslo, Norway

FEB 08.2493 2453774.7493 10.9 Visual GZN Alfredo Gonzales-Herrera, Spain

The outburst was first detected by Kiyotaka Kanai (Gunma,Isezaki-shi) and Hiroaki Narumi (Ehime,Kita-gun) and reported to the VSNet-Alert mailing list.

Alert Notice 340: Request to monitor 1744-06 RS Ophiuchi for multiwavelength campaign AND Correction

September 1, 2006


ALERT NOTICE 340 Correction  (September 1, 2006)


Object: 1744-06 RS OPH

Coordinates: R.A. 17h 50m 13.202s Dec. -06o 42' 28.48" (2000.0)

RS Ophiuchi

ophiuchus.jpgLocated in the equatorial constellation of Ophiuchus lies the variable RS Ophiuchi. RS Oph belongs to the cataclysmic variable (CV) class of stars, and is further classified as belonging to a smaller, seemingly "exclusive" group of CVs termed recurrent novae (NR) - of which there are only 7 confirmed members.
