Dear user, OBSVAR is a very simple program, or if you like it modern, a tool which does only one thing: it goes through the bulletin file of AAVSO or AFOEV and extracts lines which satisfy many criteria. The program compute alone the day, month and year with the system date. Requirements : PC Windows 3.1x or W9x Résolution mini: 640 x 480 pixels OBSVAR are never tested with Windows 2000 or NT Installation : Dezip the files in the directory ex : Obsvar Run the file Obsvar.exe Languages You can choice French or English. After quit Obsvar and run it again. A)First criteria: Right ascension Constellation (88 abrevations constellation) Month The first is "1" and the last "14", "14" is february of the year+1 (ex "14" is febraury 2002 of the bulletin 64 of the year 2001) Day = Today (System date) and choice the day that you want B) Bulletins You can choice two bulletins AAVSO AFOEV and many years If the bulletin is missing, for example the message appear : "The file of AAVSO 2002 is missing" else the program run normally (the file is present to the disk). C) Selections Many selections possibles : All the stars @ (need observations VERY URGENTLY) & (need observations URGENTLY) # (need observations) This three criteria don't run with the AFOEV file Maxima Minima <11 (Visual magnitude < 11) > 13.5 (Visual magnitude > 13.5) D)After the differents selections the button "Search" : compute the criteria and display the results to the screen the button "Print " : compute the criteria, display to the screen and print the results in the printer. Happy observing! Laurent CORP (CLZ)