2015 CHOICE Course Schedule Announced

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 01/05/2015 - 20:29

We are pleased to announce the return of many of your favorite CHOICE courses this year, as well as some courses we will offer for the first time in 2015. Last year's new offerings, DSLR Photometry, How to use VSTAR and How to use VPHOT, will all be offered again this year. CCD Photometry 2, the second part to the new CCD photometry courses based on the new CCD Guide, will be offered early in March. It's been a long wait for those people who took the pilot course, CCD Photometry 1, in March 2013. Be sure to sign up early! Then, both courses will run again in May and June.

The full schedule and course descriptions are listed on this page.

You can begin registering for the Febrary and March classes now. Just visit the AAVSO Online Store

Mike Simonsen