AAVSO International Database

Alert Notice 358: Monitoring of Mira (omi Cet) in support of HST Observations

September 17, 2007: Dr. Margarita Karovska (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) and
collaborators are performing a comprehensive study of the Mira AB interacting system, using the WFPC2 camera on the Hubble Space Telescope. Mira AB is composed of the prototype Mira variable omi Cet and its companion VZ Cet, separated by about 0.5 arcsecond. As part of this project they plan to obtain a large number of high-angular resolution images at wavelengths ranging from UV to optical.  The main objectives of the HST/WFPC2 observations are:

Alert Notice 360: Request to Monitor U Gem and SS Cyg for Radio Observations

November 5, 2007: Dr. Elmar Koerding, University of Southampton, England, and his collaborators have requested our assistance in a continuing project to monitor two dwarf novae -- U Geminorum (0749+22) and SS Cygni (2138+43) -- in support of radio observations with the MERLIN and VLA telescopes. This new campaign is a continuation of the project described in AAVSO Alert Notice 345.  Koerding and collaborators are attempting to detect and characterize radio emission from dwarf novae during outbursts.

Alert Notice 361: Request to monitor SDSS091908 for HST Observations

November 7, 2007: Dr. Paula Szkody (University of Washington) and collaborators have requested our help in monitoring the cataclysmic variable SDSS091908 (SDSS J091945.11+085710.0) for upcoming Hubble Space Telescope observations. The HST observations are scheduled to be made on or about the afternoon of 2007 November 14 (UT).  Dr.

Alert Notice 362: Nova in Puppis [Nova Pup 2007 = V597 Pup]

November 14, 2007

Event: Nova in Puppis

Discovered By: Alfredo Jose Serra Pereira, Carnaxide, Portugal (IAU Circular No. 8895)

Discovery Date: 2007 November 14.23 UT (JD 2454418.73)

Discovery Magnitude: approximately 7.0 (visual estimate)

Position: R.A. = 8h 16.2m Decl. = -34o 15' (J2000) from Pereira.

RA = 08h 16m 18.01s Decl. = -34o 15' 24.1" (J2000) by J.E. McGaha, Tucson, Arizona, measured with CCD imaging on November 14.243 - 14.256 UT.

Alert Notice 364: Nova Vulpeculae 2007 No. 2 = V459 Vul

December 26, 2007

Event: Nova

Discovered Independently By:
- Hiroshi Kaneda, Sapporo, Japan (reported by S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan)
- Akihiko Tago, Japan (reported by Nakano)

Discovery Magnitude:
- Kaneda: CCD magnitude 8.7, through thin clouds and using a Nikon D40 digital camera (+105-mm f/2.5 lens), 3 frames
- Tago: CCD magnitude 8.3, using a Canon 20D digital camera (+ Pentax 105-mm f/3.2 lens), 2 frames

Alert Notice 365: Request to Monitor EF Eri for Hubble Space Telescope Observations

January 6, 2008: Dr. Paula Szkody (University of Washington) has requested our help in monitoring the magnetic cataclysmic variable EF Eri for upcoming Hubble Space Telescope observations. Confirming observations are requested to ensure that EF Eri is fainter than the safe observing threshold during the HST observing window on 2008 January 17 UT.

EF Eri is at RA = 03:14:13.20 , Dec = -22:35:43.0 (J2000).