What motivates you to support AAVSO?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Tue, 03/07/2017 - 17:50

Hi Everyone,

At the invitation of our President, Kristine Larsen, I've taken on chairing the Fundraising Committee for the time being and as we prepare for our first teleconference and motivated by a useful and thought provoking email from AAVSO Secretary Gary Walker, I want to reach out to all AAVSO members and supporters and ask a simple question, a question that is likely harder to answer than to state:  What has motivated you to donate or support the AAVSO in non-financial ways in the past; what motivates you now; and what would motivate you in the future?  Is the mission of the organization and delivering on that mission enough to draw you to donate funds or contribute work hours?  Does the historical importance of the AAVSO draw you to support it?  Are you comfortable supporting AAVSO through its General Fund, or do you prefer supporting specific activities?  

As a side question, do you know of foundations or companies/corporations that you think would be interested in supporting AAVSO?  Historically, AAVSO has found that unless grants can be found that directly align with its activities, seeking grant funding can simply create extra work for the organization and its staff instead of helping support and grow the AAVSO and help it achieve its mission.  

The AAVSO has benefitted significantly from major legacy gifts.  Thinking about your own estate planning, what messaging or help from the AAVSO would motivate you to include the AAVSO in your charitable giving plans?  Would establishing so-called donor advised funds motivate you to give in ways you don't now? [ https://www.nptrust.org/what-is-a-donor-advised-fund ]  

Please send me your ideas and thoughts direclty to kmarvel@mac.com, or feel free to post comments here.

The Fundraising Committee looks forward to hearing from you and helping find ways all of us and others can support this treasured and important organization.



