Board Member (2023–26)
I am a retired chemical engineer and an amateur astronomer with a life-long passion for the hobby and for contribution to the science of astronomy. Alongside years of visual observing, I have served as President of the Baton Rouge Astronomical Society, currently serve on the Board of Directors of the Houston Astronomical Society, am coordinator of the CAMS-Texas meteor camera network, have discovered 60 asteroids, 50 variable stars, and authored or coauthored about 50 papers. I’m a founding member and part owner of the Sonoita Research Observatory that became the first AAVSOnet telescope in 2005 and worked with other amateurs to bring Madrona Peak Observatory into the AAVSOnet. I also serve as co-lead of the AAVSO Cataclysmic Variables Section.
For most of my career I led global teams of engineers working to design new chemical plants and expand existing plants. Later in my career I took on the role of Department Leader for my company’s Central Process Engineering and Process Automation Department. I would like to bring those teamwork and leadership skills to the AAVSO to help us build further the tremendous work the AAVSO has been doing for many years. My priorities are to continue to strengthen communication across the organization, membership growth, financial resources, pro-am collaboration, and support of our visual astronomers. CCD/CMOS photometry and spectroscopy are fantastic tools that have opened terrific new opportunities for AAVSO members to contribute to astronomy. CCD/CMOS photometry is how I primarily contribute data, but I think the long history of AAVSO visual work is a treasure trove that we must keep supporting and growing. Visual and CCD work complement each other beautifully.
This page last updated: 2023-11-14