Charts and Sequences Updates

The AAVSO Sequence Team has been working hard for many years updating and improving charts and comparison star sequences. This page contains a list of the most recent updates as well as an archive of all the updates from the past and when they were made.

If you observe any of these objects please update your charts and photometry tables as necessary with the most recent version as soon as possible. Many of the lists are also available for download in CSV, XLSX, and PDF format.

Please note that if you haven't been checking these updates as they have been issued, you will also need to check the updates from previous months and years to see if there have been changes to your stars' sequences.

Most recent: New and revised sequences (April 26, 2020 - April 6, 2021) - CSV, XLSX, PDF

Work Date Variable Const. Type
CHET 201028 1RXS J012750.5+380830 And UGSU
CHET 201229 EP And And EW
CHET 200609 PQ Aql Aql UGSS
CHET 200612 OW Aql Aql SRA
CHET 200817 NSV 11664 Aql RCB
CHET 200907 IRAS 18575-0207 Aql RCB
CHET 201002 ASASSN-V J195851.88+031752.1 Aql HADS
CHET 200819 RV Ari Ari HADS(B)
CHET 201208 V0404 Aur Aur EB
CHET 210117 DN Boo Boo EW
CHET 200524 CD Cam Cam SR
CHET 201231 MY Cam Cam EB
CHET 200827 N Cas 2020 Cas N
CHET 200525 S Cep Cep M
CHET 200616 BH Cep Cep UXOR
CHET 200713 BE Cep Cep EW/KW
CHET 200928 GS Cep Cep EA
CHET 201127 NSV25835 Cep LC
CHET 200922 HP Cet Cet UGWZ:
CHET 201211 TX CMi CMi EW/KW
CHET 201224 TU CMi CMi EW/KW
CHET 210115 YY Cnc Cnc EP
CHET 210120 GQ Cnc Cnc EW
CHET 210301 TV Col Col UG/DQ+E
CHET 200922 V0394 CrA CrA NR+E
CHET 210314 CL CrB CrB EW
CHET 200524 AX CVn CVn ACV
CHET 200524 UX CVn CVn ELL
CHET 201206 Gaia DR2 2031562553756294272 Cyg SR
CHET 210222 V0659 Cyg Cyg SRA
CHET 210326 KY Cyg Cyg SRC
CHET 201229 BW Dra Dra EW/KW
CHET 200524 U Gem Gem UGSS+E
CHET 210102 YY Gem Gem EA/DM+UV
CHET 210122 CI Gem Gem UGSU
CHET 210304 AH Gem Gem EW/KW
CHET 200508 X Her Her SRB
CHET 200523 SX Her Her SRD
CHET 200616 V1496 Her Her HADS
CHET 210318 TU Hya Hya M
CHET 210318 WW Hya Hya M
CHET 200524 V0547 Lac Lac HADS
CHET 201207 ZTF J220423.33+501621.1 Lac NL+E
CHET 210117 HS Leo Leo EW
CHET 210119 XX LMi LMi EW
CHET 210219 BK Lyn Lyn UGER
CHET 201223 V0714 Mon Mon EW
CHET 210316 W Mon Mon LB
CHET 200709 TX Oph Oph RVA
CHET 200905 NSV 21336 Oph RCB
CHET 200912 V2902 Oph Oph RCB
CHET 210402 XX Oph Oph *
CHET 200913 V1380 Ori Ori EA
CHET 200616 V0536 Peg Peg HADS
CHET 200928 DK Per Per EB/SD
CHET 201127 WY Per Per EA/SD
CHET 210326 XX Per Per SRC
CHET 200620 DW Psc Psc SXPHE
CHET 200620 LR Psc Psc HADS
CHET 210329 NSV 3379 Pup ?
CHET 200711 QW Ser Ser UGSU
CHET 210224 AU Ser Ser EW
CHET 210301 S Ser Ser M
CHET 200907 V0729 Sgr Sgr UG+E
CHET 200922 TX Tri Tri UGSS
CHET 201019 TX Tri Tri UGSS
CHET 210329 SDSS J144659.95+025330.3 Vir DQ
CHET 201213 BD Vul Vul M
CHET 201229 RS Vul Vul M
Exoplanet 210108 Kelt-1 And EP
Exoplanet 210128 hat-p-19 And EP
Exoplanet 210223 Qatar-7 And EP
Exoplanet 210119 WASP-66 Ant EP
Exoplanet 210130 HATS-26 Ant EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-64 Ant EP
Exoplanet 210114 WASP-74 Aql EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-60 Aql EP
Exoplanet 210308 WASP-81 Aql EP
Exoplanet 210107 WASP-6 Aqr EP
Exoplanet 210107 WASP-177 Aqr EP
Exoplanet 210109 HATS-72 Aqr EP
Exoplanet 210114 WASP-70 Aqr EP
Exoplanet 210119 K2-289 Aqr EP
Exoplanet 210124 WASP-165 Aqr EP
Exoplanet 210208 K2-238 Aqr EP
Exoplanet 210210 HD 221416 Aqr EP
Exoplanet   TRAPPIST-1 Aqu EP
Exoplanet 210128 HAT-P-52 Ari EP
Exoplanet 210223 KELT-2 A Aur EP
Exoplanet 210115 WASP-113 Boo EP
Exoplanet 210128 hat-p-44 Boo EP
Exoplanet 210223 Qatar-6 Boo EP
Exoplanet 210223 NGTS-6 Cae EP
Exoplanet 210309 WASP-159 Cae EP
Exoplanet 210309 XO-6 Cam EP
Exoplanet 210110 WASP-89 Cap EP
Exoplanet 210114 HATS-3 Cap EP
Exoplanet 210124 WASP-68 Cap EP
Exoplanet 210131 HATS-13 Cap EP
Exoplanet 210131 HATS-14 Cap EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-62 Cap EP
Exoplanet 210222 TOI 172 Cap EP
Exoplanet 210223 NGTS-8 Cap EP
Exoplanet 210113 KELT-15 Car EP
Exoplanet 210106 WASP-93 Cas EP
Exoplanet 210114 WASP-15 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210114 WASP-192 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210116 WASP-130 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210116 WASP- 174 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210119 WASP-87 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210119 WASP-172 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210119 WASP-184 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210120 WASP-131 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210131 HATS-17 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-54 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210209 HATS-67 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210223 NGTS-2 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210307 WASP-171 Cen EP
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-20 Cet EP
Exoplanet 210113 WASP-26 Cet EP
Exoplanet 210114 NGTS-11 Cet EP
Exoplanet 210123 WASP-158 Cet EP
Exoplanet 210124 WASP-147 Cet EP
Exoplanet 210215 LHS 1140 Cet EP
Exoplanet 210308 WASP-53 Cet EP
Exoplanet 210309 WASP-156 Cet EP
Exoplanet 210110 WASP-64 CMa EP
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-101 CMa EP
Exoplanet 210131 HATS-40 CMa EP
Exoplanet 210131 hats-41 CMa EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-45 CMa EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-51 CMa EP
Exoplanet 210128 HAT-P-50 CMi EP
Exoplanet 210107 EPIC 212110888 Cnc EP
Exoplanet 210128 hat-p-43 Cnc EP
Exoplanet 210131 HATS-43 Col EP
Exoplanet 210307 WASP-160B Col EP
Exoplanet 210116 WASP-162 Crt EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-59 Crt EP
Exoplanet 210107 Kelt-16 Cyg EP
Exoplanet 210108 WASP-48 Cyg EP
Exoplanet 210110 hat-p-17 Cyg EP
Exoplanet 210116 KOI-12 Cyg EP
Exoplanet 210128 HAT-P-11 Cyg EP
Exoplanet 210215 Kepler-411 Cyg EP+ROT
Exoplanet 210215 Kepler-1515 Cyg EP+ROT
Exoplanet 210107 HAT-P-23 Del EP
Exoplanet 210124 WASP-176 Del EP
Exoplanet 210112 TOI 216 Dor EP
Exoplanet 210116 XO-7 Dra EP
Exoplanet 210215 Kepler-447 Dra EP
Exoplanet 210222 WASP-150 Dra EP
Exoplanet 210223 Qatar-10 Dra EP
Exoplanet 210119 WASP-90 Equ EP
Exoplanet 210128 HAT-P-65 Equ EP
Exoplanet 210106 WASP-98 Eri EP
Exoplanet 210107 WASP-140 Eri EP+BY
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-97 Eri EP
Exoplanet 210114 WASP-139 Eri EP
Exoplanet 210115 WASP-141 Eri EP
Exoplanet 210116 WASP-117 Eri EP
Exoplanet 210203 HATS-61 Eri EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-5 Eri EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-57 Eri EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-63 Eri EP
Exoplanet 210222 LTT 1445A Eri EP+UV
Exoplanet 210308 WASP-99 Eri EP
Exoplanet 210114 hat-p-24 Gem EP
Exoplanet 210107 WASP-135 Her EP
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-92 Her EP
Exoplanet 210119 HAT-P-31 Her EP
Exoplanet 210124 HAT-P-14 Her EP
Exoplanet 210124 KELT-12 Her EP
Exoplanet 210128 HAT-P-55 Her EP
Exoplanet 210119 WASP-120 Hor EP
Exoplanet 210107 WASP-25 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-180A Hya EP
Exoplanet 210114 WASP-142 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210114 WASP-175 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210128 GJ 357 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210128 hat-p-42 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210130 HATS-18 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210130 HATS-22 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210130 HATS-25 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-53 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210222 LTT3780 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210307 WASP-169 Hya EP
Exoplanet 210119 WASP-126 Hyi EP
Exoplanet 210209 HD 2685 Hyi EP
Exoplanet 210223 TOI-125 Hyi EP
Exoplanet 210109 WASP-46 Ind EP
Exoplanet 210216 2MASS J22415815-6910089 Ind EP
Exoplanet 210222 WASP-145A Ind EP
Exoplanet 210308 WASP-73 Ind EP
Exoplanet 210107 WASP-104 Leo EP
Exoplanet 210124 WASP-106 Leo EP
Exoplanet 210209 HD 89345 Leo EP
Exoplanet 210214 KELT-4A Leo EP
Exoplanet 210215 K2-261 Leo EP
Exoplanet 210308 WASP-183 Leo EP
Exoplanet 210110 HATS-6 Lep EP
Exoplanet 210223 NGTS-10 Lep EP
Exoplanet 210214 K2-287 Lib EP
Exoplanet 210110 WASP-132 Lup EP
Exoplanet 210112 XO-5 Lyn EP
Exoplanet 210110 WASP-58 Lyr EP
Exoplanet 210114 Kepler-489 Lyr EP+ROT
Exoplanet 210119 Kepler-1513 Lyr EP+ROT
Exoplanet 210214 Kepler-1517 Lyr EP+ROT
Exoplanet 210216 KOI-142 Lyr EP
Exoplanet 210308 WASP-153 Lyr EP
Exoplanet 210119 TOI 163 Men EP
Exoplanet 210124 WASP-7 Mic EP
Exoplanet 210222 WASP-133 Mic EP
Exoplanet 210307 WASP-182 Mic EP
Exoplanet 210308 WASP-94a Mic EP
Exoplanet 210128 CoRoT-4 Mon EP
Exoplanet 210309 CoRoT-12 Mon EP
Exoplanet 210114 HAT-P-57 Oph EP
Exoplanet 210119 K2-289 Oph EP
Exoplanet 210208 K2-237 Oph EP
Exoplanet 210123 WASP-82 Ori EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-48a Pav EP
Exoplanet 210208 HATS-69 Pav EP
Exoplanet 210114 WASP-114 Peg EP
Exoplanet 210107 WASP-5 Phe EP
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-96 Phe EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-46 Phe EP
Exoplanet 210222 TOI 270 Pic EP
Exoplanet 210222 WASP-124 PsA EP
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-28 Psc EP
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-32 Psc EP
Exoplanet 210116 K2-113 Psc EP
Exoplanet 210119 WASP-118 Psc EP
Exoplanet 210128 GJ 9827 Psc EP
Exoplanet 210208 K2-212 Psc EP
Exoplanet 210215 K2-285 Psc EP
Exoplanet 210308 WASP-151 Psc EP
Exoplanet 210110 WASP-121 Pup EP
Exoplanet 210112 KELT-14 Pup EP
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-168 Pup EP
Exoplanet 210131 HATS-42 Pup EP
Exoplanet 210201 HATS-39 Pup EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-55 Pup EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-52 Pyx EP
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-119 Ret EP
Exoplanet 210119 WASP-100 Ret EP
Exoplanet 210210 HD23472 Ret EP
Exoplanet 210307 WASP-173A Sci EP
Exoplanet 210131 HAT-16 Scl EP
Exoplanet 210107 WASP-177 Sco EP
Exoplanet 210124 K2-52 Sco EP
Exoplanet 210208 K2-24 Sco EP
Exoplanet 210128 hat-p-45 Ser EP
Exoplanet 210113 WASP-127 Sex EP
Exoplanet 210214 KELT-11 Sex EP
Exoplanet 210215 K2-266 Sex EP
Exoplanet 210112 HATS-11 Sgr EP
Exoplanet 210112 K2-139 Sgr EP
Exoplanet 210112 WASP-123 Sgr EP
Exoplanet 210115 HATS-9 Sgr EP
Exoplanet 210131 HATS-10 Sgr EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-50 Sgr EP
Exoplanet 210204 HATS-65 Sgr EP
Exoplanet 210209 K2-129 Sgr EP
Exoplanet 210215 K2-280 Sgr EP
Exoplanet 210111 EPIC 210957318 Tau EP
Exoplanet 210114 K2-260 Tau EP
Exoplanet 210116 K2-232 Tau EP
Exoplanet 210120 Melotte 25 VA 50 Tau EP+BY
Exoplanet 210128 EPIC 246851721 Tau EP
Exoplanet 210209 K2-155 Tau EP
Exoplanet 210214 K2-87 Tau EP
Exoplanet 210215 K2-284 Tau EP
Exoplanet 210109 KELT-10 Tel EP
Exoplanet 210128 GJ 1252 Tel EP
Exoplanet 210130 HATS-23 Tel EP
Exoplanet 210131 HATS-29 Tel EP
Exoplanet 210109 WASP-164 Tuc EP
Exoplanet 210130 HATS-30 Tuc EP
Exoplanet 210209 HATS-68 Tuc EP
Exoplanet 210209 HD 1397 Tuc EP
Exoplanet 210112 HAT-P-22 UMa EP
Exoplanet 210114 Qatar-8 UMa EP
Exoplanet 210119 KELT-18 UMa EP
Exoplanet 210131 HAT-P-66 UMa EP
Exoplanet 210223 Qatar-9 UMa EP
Exoplanet 210214 KELT-23 UMi EP
Exoplanet 210115 TOI 677 Vel EP
Exoplanet 210128 GJ 1132 Vel EP
Exoplanet 210107 WASP-16 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210109 Hat-P-27 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210109 WASP-37 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210109 Wasp-55 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210109 WASP-107 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210110 Qatar-2 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210110 Wasp-85 Vir EP+ROT
Exoplanet 210110 K2-229 Vir Rot+EP
Exoplanet 210112 K2-140 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210116 WASP-54 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210119 WASP-185 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210208 K2-199 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210209 K2-132 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210209 K2-198 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210214 K2-99 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210223 NGTS-5 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210308 wolf 503 Vir EP
Exoplanet 210123 HAT-P-49 Vul EP
Field of View 210401 M44 FOV Cnc n/a
Field of View 210331 NGC 2355 FOV Gem n/a
Field of View 210331 NGC 2395 FOV Gem n/a
Field of View 210401 NGC 2158 Gem n/a
Field of View 210402 NGC 2266 FOV Gem n/a
Field of View 210402 IC 2157 Gem n/a
Field of View 210402 M35 FOV Gem n/a
Field of View 210402 NGC 2304 FOV Gem n/a
Field of View 210403 NGC 2331 Gem n/a
Field of View 210404 IC 2156 FOV Gem n/a
Field of View 210404 NGC 2129 FOV Gem n/a
Field of View 210330 IC 1277 Her n/a
Field of View 210330 M13 FOV Her n/a
Field of View 210330 M92 FOV Her n/a
Field of View 210330 NGC 6229 FOV Her n/a
Field of View 210401 M48 FOV Hya n/a
Field of View 210330 IC 656 FOV Leo n/a
Field of View 210330 NGC 2896 FOV Leo n/a
Field of View 210401 NGC2419 FOV Lyn n/a
Field of View 210330 NGC 6481 FOV Oph n/a
Field of View 210330 NGC 6633 Oph n/a
New sequence 200428 V600 and And EW
New sequence 200924 ZTF20abzcokk And UG
New sequence 200926 V808 And And HADS
New sequence 201025 V791 And And HADS
New sequence 201118 ASASSN-19za And UGSU
New sequence 201120 ASASSN-19yn And UG
New sequence 210114 V0376 And And EB
New sequence 210304 V0568 And And EW
New sequence 210216 SSS 110407:094159-250705 Ant UG
New sequence 210216 asassn-14al Ant UG
New sequence 200611 ASASSN-20CX Aps UG
New sequence 200612 ASASSN-19zz Aps UG
New sequence   ASASSN-20DU Aps UG
New sequence 200502 V0760 Aql Aql EA/SD
New sequence 200505 V0808 Aql Aql EA/SD
New sequence 200507 V1197 Aql Aql EA
New sequence 200609 MGAB-V300 Aql UGSU
New sequence 200722 NSV 24788 Aql FUOR
New sequence 200802 N Aql 2020 No. 2 Aql N
New sequence 200815 TCP J20034647+1335125 Aql UG
New sequence 201019 ASASSN-20ME Aql UG
New sequence 201102 atlas18svz Aql UGSU:
New sequence 201201 ZTF J193724.89+152557.0 Aql EW
New sequence 210310 ASASSN-21cw Aql UG
New sequence 210404 ASASSN-21ew Aql UG
New sequence 210405 ASASSN-21eu Aql UG
New sequence   V1386 Aql Aql RRc
New sequence 200506 V0335 Aqr Aqr EA
New sequence 200611 ASASSN-20gd Aqr UG
New sequence 200612 ASASSN-19abi Aqr UGWZ
New sequence 201118 ROTSE3 J212313-021446.6 Aqr UG
New sequence 201120 CSS 101130:213001-073440 Aqr UG
New sequence 200922 ASASSN-20jm Ara UG
New sequence 201021 ASASSN-20ji Ara UG
New sequence 210311 ASASSN-21cn Ara UG
New sequence 200427 V640 Aur Aur EW
New sequence 200430 V0644 Aur Aur EA
New sequence 200520 NSVS J0514173+534421 Aur M
New sequence 200522 LU Aur Aur E
New sequence 200901 ASASSN-20kw Aur CV
New sequence 201231 ER Aur Aur DCEP
New sequence 210105 ASASSN-14mm Aur UG
New sequence 210105 MASTER OT J053452.42+485934.3 Aur UG
New sequence 210105 CSS 120224:051549+303036 Aur UG:
New sequence 210105 MASTER OT J055348.98+482209.0 Aur UGSU
New sequence 210201 MASTER OT J064643.02+412059.1 Aur UG
New sequence 210201 MASTER OT J065140.54+480441.6 Aur UG
New sequence 210201 CSS 080512:064608+403305 Aur UGSU
New sequence 210201 CSS 091026:064805+414702 Aur UGSU
New sequence 210203 ASASSN-019ez Aur UG
New sequence 200501 KS Boo Boo BY
New sequence 200504 HH Boo Boo EW
New sequence 200505 ASASSN-20eo Boo UG
New sequence 200611 PMAK V60 Boo EA
New sequence 201230 SDSS J154459.80+464835.39 Boo CV
New sequence 210310 ASASSN-21cr Boo UG
New sequence 210327 QSO B1426+428 Boo BLLAC
New sequence 200427 PR Cam Cam EW
New sequence 200503 V0374 Cam Cam EA
New sequence 200802 GSC 04347-01486 Cam EA
New sequence 200909 ASASSN-V J032036.40+601818.3 Cam YSO
New sequence 200909 ASASSN-V J050754.52+725151.5 Cam YSO
New sequence 201122 XO-6 Cam EP
New sequence 210201 ATLAS19ugq Cam UG
New sequence 210203 ASASSN-18acm Cam UG
New sequence 210216 MASTER OT J084404.01+794408.7 Cam UG
New sequence 200701 HIP 105217 Cap GDOR
New sequence 201019 ASASSN-20if Cap UGSU
New sequence 201211 DN Cap Cap RVa
New sequence 200611 ASASSN-20CD Car UGWZ
New sequence 200611 ASASSN-20FL Car UG
New sequence 201007 TCP J06263351-5131287 aka BraTS-SON-T2-021 Car UGWZ
New sequence 200427 6 Cas aka V0566 Cas Cas ACYG
New sequence 200427 Rho Cas Cas SDOR
New sequence 200427 V0509 Cas Cas SRD
New sequence 200520 V0826 Cas Cas LB
New sequence 200521 NSV 783 Cas M5
New sequence 200729 N Cas 2020 Cas N
New sequence 200926 AS Cas Cas DCEP(B)
New sequence 210111 V0776 Cas Cas EW
New sequence 210227 V0775 Cas Cas EA
New sequence