Is this normal behavior?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sat, 07/21/2018 - 01:01

I am a long time user of VPhot, but not experienced in using a single comp and check. When I perform a time series on an EB with a single comp and check and try to plot the comp, I get all images "undetected" (lots of red on the screen) and no comp plot. I know the comp is detected on single images. SNR ofr all well over SNR=100. I have tried several different combinations of one comp and one check, same result.

Motivation for the single comp and check: using TransformApplier. Ensemble analysis of the same variable does not present this problem. I tried two different browsers, same result.

Is this normal for single comp and single check analysis?

Can share screen shots if needed.

Thanks, Ed

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Ignore lack of comp plot

Hi Ed:

I think I know what you have described. Pablo L: saw same thing with a bright comp in his TS.

However, ignore the lack of a comp plot and save the TS report anyway. I "think" you will find that the report will show all expected data?

Should not happen but see if you get the desired report output?  frown


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Same problem I had..which wasn't a problem after all.

Hi Ed

Same problem I had but Ken helped me by showing me that the AAVSO report did report the comp values idiosyncrasy of vphot with a single comp I guess.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPhot question


Please share with me more details or screen shots. I'd like to get to the bottom of this. Send the info to We'll share with the forum our results.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPhot yes, its normal

If there is a single comp star in a time series there is no plot of the comp star data. How could there be since any magnitude data displayed is relative to the comp star!  When you have an ensemble you can get a plots of the components of the ensemble, I assume against the ensemble. You might do this to make sure you haven't picked up a variable into your ensemble. If you are using a single comp then it should be a certified compstar from our VSD and you needn't worry.

That VPhot is offering to show a plot and then alarming you with warnings it its bad; I'll make a note that it should not do that!



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
TS comp plot error


This is a relatively new problem. If one uses a single comp and check as opposed to multiple comps (ensemble) for a time series, the Comp Stars Light Curve plot (upper right group of plots) shows no comps! The ensemble TS shows this graph. See attached.


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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPhot SIngle Comp, Thanks George

Thanks, George, that clears it up for the graph. Someone might think about putting this information in the VPhot manual if it is not already there.
