OV Bootis (UGWZ:) is in outburst (11 mag)

Association Francaise des Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Tue, 03/14/2017 - 22:47

Visual magnitude estimate by Patrick Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany:
BOOOV 20170314.919 115 SPK
Sequence: AAVSO (V magnitudes)
Instrument: 203-mm SCT

Time-resolved photometry is urgently required.

OV Boo in the International Variable Star Index:

Clear skies,

Seiichi Yoshida wrote:

Subject: [vsnet-alert 20778] OV Boo outburst

Dear colleagues,

I am Seiichi Yoshida working on the MISAO Project.

Masaru Mukai, Kagoshima, Japan, reported that OV Boo (R.A. 15 07 22.35, Decl. +52 30 39.8) is bright as 11.4 mag on Mar. 14.63 (UT), using Nikon 105-mm lens + CCD (STL6303E) + IR-cut filter.

The VSX data shows it is a CV+EA+ZZ/GWLIB type with a range of 18.0-20.6 mag.

Best regards,

Seiichi Yoshida

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
OV Boo

I got ~6 hours of data, JD827.429 - 686 ~11.7CV superhumps detected
Data uploaded to the database and to CBA

clear skies