VPHOT upload abort after exactly 5 minutes

Svensk Amator Astronomisk Forening, variabelsektionen (Sweden) (SAAF)
Tue, 01/26/2021 - 18:12

Today I had a number of stars each with 7-8 files. I have a rather slow internet connection. I tried to upload all the images for one star at time both as separate files (dropping them in the new box) or zipped together in one large file. Each file is 16 Mb, the zip 70 Mb. This was what I noticed.

The upload consistantly aborted after exactly 5 minutes every time. The zip-file could never be uploaded. If I uploaded two files at time it worked, the combined upload time for them was under 5 minutes. If I uploaded all 8 files at once 5 started to upload and maybe 1 got uploaded before the 5 min abort, then the upload of the next 3 started and lasted 5 min before they got aborted and maybe one more had got uploaded.

When we had the old flash-based upload I was able to upload this number of files at once, both separately or zipped.

Is it only me that have this problem with the new upload? Is there a time limit in the upload process thats kick in? Is this an error or is the system supposed to behave like this?

I use Windows 7 and FireFox 84.0.2 as web browser.

Thomas Karlsson


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Upload Time Limit Issue?


As I have mentioned in another recent forum thread, I am able to consistently upload many hundred images at once in the new upload scheme. Have you read that post related to V4.0.10? Note that my images are either 3.2 MB or 6.4 MB in size. I see that yours are 16MB, so that will certainly take longer.

In my case, I am using Win10, Chrome, and a relatively speedy fiber optic internet connection.

I select all my images (e.g., ~500), and drag and drop them into the upload box. They upload in groups of 5. Sometimes a group may fail. These exhibit a partially hidden x and a faint circular feature. However, other images proceed as expected. Do not stop the run. As annoying as the upload speed may be, let it continue until the process is complete as observed by the disappearance of the other, successfully uploaded, images. This may take tens of minutes, if you are uploading hundreds of images. My uploads do take more than five (5) minutes, especially when they include the 6.4 MB images, but they do all get through more consistently than not. I have uploaded more than ten image sets since the new version was released.

I personally have noted that my internet connection exhibits significant differences in upload speed and reliability! I'm not sure exactly why but I think it is an internet connectivity issue and not a vphot issue per se?

Try some more uploads as I have described above. If the problem continues, please email me off-line (kenmenstar@gmail.com) so we can communicate more directly to see if we can fix this.


Svensk Amator Astronomisk Forening, variabelsektionen (Sweden) (SAAF)
Ken, I read your post first…

Ken, I read your post first but as it don't mention the 5 minute-abort and I think this is a new discovery I wrote a new post. I have the same problem today and the behavior is cosistent. As you probably have a faster internet connection and have smaller files than me I guess that uploading each group of 5 files for you takes shorter time than 5 minutes and you therefore don't normally experience this problem. I have no problem downloading/uploading large files to other sites. I downloaded the images for all the stars from WeTransfer in 3 very large zip-file, 1000-1800 Mb, wihich took much longer than 5 minutes without problem.

To clearify it is when one group of files (1-5) takes longer than 5 minutes all upload for that group abort. The upload then continue with the next group of 1-5 files. If that group also takes longer (after started) than 5 min it also abort for those files not finished and so on.

Thomas Karlsson

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Time Out?


Thanks for clarifying and stressing that IF one discrete activity (i.e., the upload of one group of five images) takes more than five minutes, the process stops at five minutes. However, the upload process does not stop completely but continues/restarts with the next group of five images. Interesting!

If your timing is accurate, it seems to imply that there is a 'time-out' of some sort? I wonder exactly where this time out occurs, e.g., browser, internet service provider, amazon server, vphot code, or other? The first two appear not to be the cause based on your other upload/download attempts at other sites.

It would be interesting to determine if any other user with large files and a stopwatch could check this out and report their findings?


Svensk Amator Astronomisk Forening, variabelsektionen (Sweden) (SAAF)
Problem solved.

Ken told me that this issue has been addressed and the timeout has changed from 5 to 30 minutes. I have tested and it worked fine now with big images and a rather slow internet connection.
