Alert Notice 796: Monitoring requested for 12 dwarf novae in support of HST observations in 2022-2023 (back-up copy)

The target table below is being updated as each target is completed or rescheduled.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen

Notes:  LL Lyr was not able to be observed due to issues with HST. It has been rescheduled for the 2023-2024 year of this campaign.   -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, October 24, 2023

Please observe LL Lyr nightly in anticipation of upcoming HST observations in September. An Alert Notice will be issued when it has been scheduled.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, September 5, 2023

Alert Notice 758: Monitoring requested for 11 dwarf novae in support of HST observations in 2021-2022 (back-up copy)

Note:  RY Ser was scheduled for May and for June but was in outburst or too close to outburst to be a safe target. It may be rescheduled. GP Com observations did take place.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, July 5, 2022

GP Com observations will take place April 29-30, 2022; coverage is needed until May 20. See Alert Notice 775.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, April 27, 2022

Alert Notice 841: VY Scl coverage needed now for HST ToO observations (backup copy)

Notes: HST will not be able to observe VY Scl at this time, so the observations have been canceled. However, the data being obtained by you continue to be extremely valuable to the astronomers, and continuing coverage is requested until after VY Scl has returned to its bright state. Thank you!  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, January 31, 2024

Alert Notice 785: Monitoring of V452 Vul = HD 189733 requested (backup copy)

Notes: Please continue observations at least through the 2024 observing season.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, July 2, 2024

HST observations were postponed. Please continue to monitor V452 Vul as instructed below until further notice.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, October 25, 2022

July 5, 2022

Alert Notice 750: T CrB photometry and spectroscopy requested for HST and XMM-Newton observations (backup copy)

Note: Ongoing observations of T CrB are extremely important as the eruption predicted for 2024 draws closer. See HERE for more information.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, July 5, 2023, July 2, 2024

Please continue to monitor T CrB until further notice.  -  Elizabeth O Waagen, February 9, 2023

Alert Notice 838: Monitoring requested for 11 dwarf novae in support of HST observations in 2023-2024 (backup copy)

Notes: LL Lyr was not observed in July 2024 due to technical issues with HST, but it may be observed in August so please continue observations. Also, CS Ind is planned to be observed in August 2024, so please observe it. More information on CS Ind's and LL Lyr's schedules will be issued when available. - Elizabeth O. Waagen, August 4, 2024

KZ Gem has been put on hold by HST, and likely won't be observed until next year, if at all.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, January 2, 2024

October 26, 2023