V4743 - Another Nova in Sgr
- Link to page by Maurice Gavin - Includes low resolution spectra
- CCD Image by Doug West
Spectra by Doug West - 10/15/02, 9/21/02
- Alert Notice 297 text
- AAVSO 'b' scale charts
Description of the Nova Sgr 2002 no.3 Image - V Band
The image of Nova Sgr 2002 No. 3 was taken with a 0.2 m SCT + ST-9E CCD camera by Doug West in Mulvane, KS. The image was taken on 09/21/2002 2:18 UT and is a median average of four 5 second exposures. The "light donuts" near the Nova are to be ignored. These artifacts are created by internal reflections between the CCD camera and the filter. The image center is at 19 01 05.1 -22 01 51 with a position angle of 8.13 degrees from North. The field of view is approximately 29"x29".
Spectrum by Doug West on 10/15/02
Description of the Nova Sgr 2002 no.3 Spectrum
The low-resolution spectrum of Nova V4743 Sgr was taken by Doug West in Mulvane, KS on 10/15/2002 01:27 UT. The spectrum was extracted from a 30 second exposure. The equipment forming the low-resolution spectrometer consists of a 0.2 m SCT + SBIG ST-9E CCD camera + Rainbow Optics Grating. MIRA and custom software are used to reduce the spectrum. The wavelength accuracy is approximately +/- 21 Angstrom. The signal- to-noise ratio for the spectrum is greater than 20 from 4000 to 8000 Angstrom. The spectrum clearly shows Hydrogen Alpha and Beta in emission. The broad H alpha peak is probably a combination of H alpha emission at 6562.8 and N II at 6583.4 and 6548.1 Angstrom. Since the 9/21/2002 spectrum posted on the AAVSO web page there has been significant growth in the emission complex between 8300 and 8550 Angstrom. These features are probably associated with OI at 8446 and Ca II at 8498, 8542, and 8662 Angstrom. There was also a growth in the features in the 5700 Angstrom region. These features could be associated with N II emission at 5755 and 5679 Angstrom.
Additional information about low resolution spectroscopy can be found in the April 2002 edition of CCD Views at http://www.aavso.org/sites/default/files/newsletter/CCD/ccdviewsvol3no2.pdf. A special thanks goes to Dave Hudgins for his help in the acquisition and processing of the spectrum.
Spectrum by Doug West on 9/21/02
Description of the Nova Sgr 2002 no.3 Spectrum
The low resolution spectrum of Nova Sgr 2002 No. 3 was taken by Doug West in Muvlane, KS on 09/21/2002 2:43 UT. The spectrum was extracted from a 20 second exposure. The equipment forming the low resolution spectrometer consists of a 0.2 m SCT + SBIG ST-9E CCD camera + Rainbow Optics Grating. MIRA and custom software are used to reduce the spectrum. The wavelength accuracy is approximately +/- 21 Angstrom. The signal- to-noise ratio for the spectrum is greater than 50 from 4000 to 8000 Angstrom. The spectrum clearly shows Hydrogen Alpha and Beta in emission. This is typical for a Nova near light maximum. Additional information about low resolution spectroscopy can be found in the April 2002 edition of CCD Views at http://www.aavso.org/sites/default/files/newsletter/CCD/ccdviewsvol3no2.pdf.
THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF VARIABLE STAR OBSERVERS 25 Birch Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA INTERNET: aavso@aavso.org Tel. 617-354-0484 Fax 617-354-0665 AAVSO ALERT NOTICE 297 (September 23, 2002) SUBJECT: 1855-22 NOVA SAGITTARII 2002 NO. 3 - ANOTHER NOVA IN SAGITTARIUS 1855-22 NOVA SAGITTARII 2002 NO. 3 Event: Nova Discovered By: Katsumi Haseda, Aichi, Japan (IAUC No. 7975) Discovery Magnitude: 5.0 photographic (120-mm f/3.5 camera lens and Tri-X film; IAUC No. 7975) Discovery Date: September 20.431 UT (IAUC No. 7975) R.A. (2000): 19h 01m 09s.38 Decl. (2000): -22o 00' 05".9 +/- 0".75 (D. West, Mulvane, KS; IAUC No. 7975) AAVSO Chart(s): 'a' and 'b' scale chart for full 300 dpi images http://www.aavso.org/charts/SGR/N_SGR_02_3/NSGR02_3-A.GIF http://www.aavso.org/charts/SGR/N_SGR_02_3/NSGR02_3-B.JPG for web browser printable images http://www.aavso.org/cgi-bin/shrinkwrap.pl?path=/charts/SGR/R_SGR/RSGR-A.GIF http://www.aavso.org/cgi-bin/shrinkwrap.pl?path =/charts/SGR/N_SGR_02_3/NSGR02_3-B.JPG Report Object to the AAVSO as: 1855-22 N SGR 02#3 Observations Reported to the AAVSO: AAVSO Observer AAVSO Observer UT Mag. Initials UT Mag. Initials SEP 21.0962 6.0: CCDV WJD SEP 22.1549 6.2 SGE SEP 21.1039 6.44 CCDB WJD SEP 22.1910 6.1 HSC SEP 21.1450 6.1 GAJ SEP 22.2243 6.0 LMK SEP 21.2292 5.8 LMK SEP 22.3021 6.2 BJS SEP 21.2409 5.8 LMK SEP 22.3153 6.2 BJS SEP 21.2674 5.8 BJS SEP 22.3333 6.2 BJS SEP 21.2889 5.8 LMK SEP 22.3542 6.2 BJS SEP 21.4100 5.8 BJS SEP 22.5229 6.2 PEX SEP 21.7639 5.7 SSW SEP 22.6722 6.2 TDB SEP 21.8125 5.9 OJR SEP 22.7010 6.2 MLF SEP 21.8299 6.2 TDB SEP 22.7951 6.3 JON SEP 21.8924 5.9 LCR SEP 22.8229 6.4 OJR SEP 21.9931 6.0 GAJ SEP 22.8350 6.5 PYG SEP 21.9937 6.1 MHI SEP 22.9125 6.3 AAX SEP 22.0062 6.0 VWA SEP 22.9924 6.2 DPL SEP 22.0139 5.9 GHT SEP 22.9938 6.4 AAX SEP 22.0174 6.0 STI SEP 23.0208 6.6 KMA SEP 22.0277 5.9 MGQ SEP 23.0227 6.4 SET SEP 22.0312 6.0 MHI SEP 23.0424 6.4 WI SEP 22.0514 5.9 BTB SEP 23.0451 6.3: FJD SEP 22.0542 6.0 AAX SEP 23.0703 6.37 CCDV WJD SEP 22.0590 6.0 STI SEP 23.0792 6.3 AAX SEP 22.0625 5.9 ZPA SEP 23.0861 6.2 MYC SEP 22.0764 6.2 RDV SEP 23.1979 6.1 RR SEP 22.0771 5.85 CCDV WJD SEP 23.3229 6.3 BJS SEP 22.0806 6.18 CCDB WJD SEP 23.4960 6.1 PEX SEP 22.0896 5.7 BDD SEP 24.1591 6.2 LNL SEP 22.0910 5.27 CCDR WJD We thank the following contributors for the data that they have provided for this Alert Notice: AAX - A. AMORIM, BRAZIL MLF - I. MONARD, SOUTH AFRICA BDD - D. BERNS, USA MYC - C. MARTIN, USA BJS - J. BEDIENT, USA OJR - J. OSORIO, SPAIN BTB - T. BRETL, USA PEX - A. PEARCE, AUSTRALIA DPL - P. DOMBROWSKI, USA PYG - G. POYNER, ENGLAND FJD - J. FOLEY, USA RDV - D. RYLE, USA GAJ - J. GARCIA, ARGENTINA RR - R. ROYER, USA GHT - G. GAHERTY, CANADA SET - C. STEPHAN, USA HSC - C. HUDDLESTON, USA SGE - G. SARTY, CANADA JON - K. JONCKHEERE, BELGIUM SSW - S. SWIERCZYNSKI, POLAND KMA - M. KOMOROUS, CANADA STI - P. STEFFEY, USA LCR - C. LABORDENA, SPAIN TDB - D. TAYLOR, CANADA LMK - M. LINNOLT, USA VWA - A. VAN WERVEN, USA LNL - N. LERNER, USA WI - D. WILLIAMS, USA MGQ - G. MENALI, USA WJD - J. WEST, USA MHI - H. MENALI, USA ZPA - P. ZELLER, USA Spectra: Fe II-class shortly after maximum (IAUC No. 7975) Notes: 1. See the full announcement in International Astronomical Union Circular (IAUC) No. 7975 2. Visit http://www.aavso.org/nsgr02n3.stm for images, spectra, and more information SUBMIT OBSERVATIONS TO THE AAVSO We encourage observers to submit observations via our web site (online data submission tool WebObs), or by email in AAVSO format to observations@aavso.org. If you do not have AAVSO Observer Initials, please contact Headquarters so we may assign them to you. The answering machine at AAVSO Headquarters is on nights and weekends; use our charge-free number (888-802-STAR = 888-802-7827) to report your observations, or report them via fax (617-354-0665). Many thanks for your valuable astronomical contributions and your efforts. Good observing! Janet A. Mattei Director Kerriann H. Malatesta Technical Assistant |