Zapper News

A new version of Zapper has just been released! Actually, not a lot has changed but I did want to let everyone know that Zapper will no longer display differential magnitudes or unreduced step-magnitudes (which appear as 0.0 magnitude observations in the AAVSO International Database). To get this latest version please go here: and download it. This page will also describe what Zapper is and how to use it for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about!

Now that I'm back from my summer holidays, I am catching up on resolving all the discrepant observations that were "zapped" by our loyal helpers. Many thanks to Sherrill Shaffer in particular for evaluating data on over 600 stars so far!

We at HQ can certainly use more help checking data, so if you're looking for something to do on a cloudy night, try Zapper. Its a lot more fun than watching TV.


Please stay tuned for new developments...

Sara Beck
AAVSO Science Team