First High Energy Astrophysics Workshop, Spring 2000: Schedule

HEA Workshop Schedule

Sponsored by:
American Association of Variable Star Observers

NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
Huntsville, Alabama 13-15 April, 2000
Note: All activities will be held at the Huntsville Marriott unless otherwise indicated.

Wednesday, April 12

  5:00pm-   8:30pm	HEA Workshop Registration

  7:30pm-   10:00pm	Welcome Reception

Thursday, April 13

  8:30am		HEA Workshop Registration

  9:00am- 12:30pm	HEA Workshop Session:
			  1.  Dr. G. Fishman		Introduction to High-Energy Astronomy
			  2.  Dr. C. Meegan		Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs)
			       Coffee Break
			  3.  Dr. S. Barthelmy	Rapid responses to GRBs; SWIFT
			  4.  Dr. C. Kouveliotou	Neutron Stars, Magnetars

  2:00pm-   5:30pm	HEA Workshop Session:
			  1.  Dr. M. Weisskopf	Chandra X-ray Observatory & Images
			  2.  Dr. A. Harmon*		Galactic Jets & Other Black Hole Systems
			  3.  Dr. C. Wilson-Hodge*	Pulsars - X-ray Observations 
			       Coffee Break
			  4.  Dr. M. Joy* 		Future Observations in X-ray Astronomy
			  5.  Dr. V. Connaughton*	VHE Astronomy, AGNs, Blazars

  6:00pm		Buses leave the Marriott for Thursday evening activities:
			  - Cookout at Monte Sano State Park
 			  - Planetarium Talk (8:00pm-9:00pm) given by Dr. M. Weisskopf
			  - Observing: Von Braun Astronomical Society Facilities on Monte Sano

  9:00pm & 10:30pm	Buses will return to the Marriott

(Note:	HEA Workshop presentations will be 35min. in length plus 10min. for questions; those presentations
 indicated with an asterisk (*) will be 20 min. in length plus 5 min. for questions.)
(Schedule continued)

Friday, April 14

  8:00am-   8:55am	Special Session: Rapid Observations of GRBs by Amateurs
				- Panel, Speakers, and Contributions

  9:00am- 12:30pm	HEA Workshop Session:
			  1. Dr. J. Swank		X-ray Timing and the RXTE Mission
			  2. Dr. M. Christl		Cosmic Rays; Supernovae
			      Coffee Break
			  3. Dr. S. Howell		EUV Astronomy
			  4. Dr. J. Mattei		Amateur Astronomer Contributions to HEA

  2:00pm-   5:30pm	Tour of Marshall Space Flight Center 
			(Buses will depart from and return to the Marriott.)

  6:00pm-   6:30pm	AAVSO Meeting Registration

  6:30pm-   8:30pm	Barbecue Buffet Dinner

Saturday, April 15

  8:30am		AAVSO Meeting Registration

  9:00am- 12:00pm	AAVSO Membership Meeting

12:00pm-   1:00pm	AAVSO Lunch Buffet

  1:00pm-   5:30pm	AAVSO Paper Session

  7:30pm		AAVSO Banquet (pre-banquet cash bar begins at 7:00pm)

  8:30pm	Awards Presentation and Lecture: Astronaut Dr. John Grunsfeld (to be confirmed):
 The 1999 HST Servicing Mission and Remarks on High Energy Astrophysics

Additional Sponsors:

BATSE/Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO)
High Energy Astrophysics Archive Center - NASA/GSFC
Chandra X-ray Observatory- Science Support OfficeCGRO Science Support Center
SWIFT Gamma Ray Burst Project
The Curry Foundation
The Alabama Space Grant Consortium
TRW Inc. - Space Division
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
The Universities Space Research Association
The Von Braun Astronomical Society and The North Alabama Astronomy Club
Michael Cissell Design