In Memoriam: M. Daniel (Danie) Overbeek
Michiel Daniel (Danie) Overbeek, 1920 - 2001
Michiel Daniel (Danie) Overbeek, 1920 - 2001
I very sadly inform you of the passing away of long-time AAVSO member Wayne Lowder on January 31, 2003. His son, Bruce, informed us that he passed away peacefully while he was working with his computer.
Casper H. Hossfield (1918-2002)
Remembering Dorrit
The following messages were either posted to the AAVSO Discussion Group or emailed to the AAVSO. If you would like to post a message, please email it to LINK:
Dorrit Hoffleit, 1907 - 2007
Katherine S. Hazen, 1905 - 2003
AAVSO observer Raymond Winslow (Win) Jones passed away on 28 February 2007 at age 98.