cataclysmic variables

Alert Notice 137: Last list for monitoring of ROSAT targets

    25 Birch Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
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     Tel. 617-354-0484 FAX 617-354-0665

    AAVSO ALERT NOTICE 137 (January 14,1991) 


Alert Notice 339: Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Cataclysmic Variable Survey AND Preliminary NGC 6811 Deep and Wide Field Campaign Announcement

July 6, 2006


Dr. Patrick Godon (Villanova University) has requested help for a campaign to observe cataclysmic variables with the orbiting FUSE observatory. The goals of these observations are to help schedule the FUSE observing time and to obtain time series optical data simultaneously with the FUSE observations for correlation of the optical and ultraviolet data.

Alert Notice 345: Request to monitor cataclysmic variables for radio observations

February 15, 2007: Dr. Christian Knigge, University of Southampton, England, has requested our assistance in monitoring ten (10) dwarf novae cataclysmic variables as part of a search for radio jet formation during outbursts. Dr. Knigge is attempting to observe a dwarf nova outburst within six hours of the outburst onset using the NRAO Very Large Array (VLA) telescope in New Mexico and the Jodrell Bank MERLIN telescope in the United Kingdom.

AAVSO observers help solve a mystery about an important variable star

A group of astronomers led by Dr. James Miller-Jones of Curtin University and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research have published a revised distance to the famed variable star SS Cygni, solving a major mystery surrounding this star and its behavior.  Their work was made possible due to the dedication of dozens of observers worldwide who monitor SS Cygni and report their observations to the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO).

Special Notice #265: Bright Symbiotics in Sgr, Cyg, and Oph

March 3, 2012: Observer S. O'Connor reported late last week that the symbiotic stars V4018 Sgr, CH Cyg, and V2523 Oph all appeared to be in outburst or brighter than normal.  He reports: V4018 Sgr at V=11.59 on JD 2455981.021 (2012 Feb 23.521); CH Cyg at V=7.30 on 2455982.976 (Feb 25.476); and V2523 Oph at V=11.67 on 2455981.0 (Feb 23.5).  Other more recent visual observations of CH Cyg by G. Holmberg (vis=7.6 on 2455983.4993) and D. Barrett (vis=7.4 on 2455985.6013) confirm the star is well above magnitude 8.0 at this time.

New results on FS Aurigae

The paper "Optical and X-ray Variability of the Peculiar Cataclysmic Variable FS Aurigae with a Magnetic and Freely Precessing White Dwarf" by Vitaly Neustroev and collaborators is now available on  The paper was co-authored by several AAVSO observers, and involves data taken during the 2010-2011 observing campaign.

Special Notice #261: Outburst of the UGWZ Candidate BW Scl

October 21, 2011: The short period cataclysmic variable BW Scl appears to be in outburst. The object was detected in outburst at m(vis)=9.6 by M. Linnolt on 2011 October 21.3146 (JD 2455855.8146), and confirmed by A. Plummer at m(vis)=9.4 on October 21.3424.  Observations of this object are encouraged.  The object has conflicting classifications in astronomical literature, but is probably a WZ Sge-type dwarf nova rather than a novalike variable.

BW Scl is located at the following (J2000) coordinates: