observing campaign

Alert Notice 535: R Aqr observing campaign

Ongoing visual, photometric, and spectroscopic observations of R Aqr about once every 10 days are requested, both to detect and observe the next eclipse and to continue the light curve of this star that has been in the AAVSO observing program for over a century.   Elizabeth O. Waagen, August 2017, March 2019

Special Notice #406: KIC 02856960 entering eclipse window

August 7, 2015:  Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 525, we are entering the critical period of observations for KIC 02856960.  Time series observations are urgently requested for this eclipsing binary beginning immediately (2015 August 07, JD 2457242) and continuing for the next five days, through the end of 2015 August 12.

Alert Notice 525: Observing Campaign on KIC 02856960

July 31, 2015: The AAVSO requests time-series observations of the eclipsing binary system KIC 02856960 beginning immediately, with intensive coverage urgently requested during the window of 2015 August 8.0 through August 12.0.  Observations are requested on behalf of an international campaign coordinated by Dr.

Alert Notice 511: Monitoring requested for developing planetary systems dust production study

Campaign continued through 2017 at least. Also, campaign updated in  AAVSO Special Notice #408 (20151002).

March 13, 2015: Dr. George Rieke (University of Arizona) and colleagues have requested AAVSO assistance in monitoring four stars with developing planetary systems. The targets are RZ Psc, HD 15407A, V488 Per, and HD 23514. This campaign is similar to the one conducted in 2013 (see AAVSO Alert Notice 482).

Special Notice #395: Alpha Com campaign cancelled

January 16, 2015: We have been informed by PI Dr. Matthew Muterspaugh that his campaign on alpha Com (AAVSO Alert Notice 506) has been cancelled. Position measurements published a century ago contained errors that affected the predictions for the time of eclipse.

More information will be coming from Dr. Muterspaugh and we will disseminate it to everyone in an Alert Notice, but he asked that the observer community be informed now so that observing efforts might not be wasted.

Special Notice #394: Observations of b Persei urgently requested

January 12, 2015: Photometry by P. Benni (AAVSO observer code BPAD; Massachusetts, United States), D. Collins (CDK; North Carolina, United States), F. Campos (CFRA; Catalunya, Spain), and F. Melillo (MFR; New York, United States) suggest that b Persei may have entered eclipse around JD 2457033.6 (2015 January 11.1 UT). Time-series photometric observations of this bright star are urgently requested beginning immediately, and continuing for the next two weeks (through at least 2015 January 26 UT) and possibly beyond.

Alert Notice 506: Alpha Com eclipse observing campaign



December 5, 2014: Drs. Matthew W. Muterspaugh and Gregory W. Henry (Tennessee State University) have requested AAVSO observers' assistance in monitoring the possible Algol-like binary star alpha Com before, during, and after the eclipse they have predicted for mid-to-late January 2015.

Alert Notice 495: Bright Type-Ia Supernova PSN J09554214+6940260 and Observing Campaign

January 22, 2014

Event: Supernova in M82 (Ursa Major) = PSN J09554214+6940260

Discovery by: Stephen J. Fossey (University College London Observatory)

Discovery magnitude
: 11.7 V

Discovery date: 2014 January 21.81 UT

Coordinates: R.A. = 09 55 42.15, Decl.= +69 40 25.8 (2000.0)
PSN J09554214+6940260 is offset 54" west, 21" south from the nucleus of M82