History of AAVSOnet

AAVSOnet began in 2005, as the result of a collaboration between observers united by the pursuit of variable star science. Since then, it has prospered, growing to encompass 10+ observatories around the globe, and delivering over 2.9 million images to AAVSO members.
How to Write an AAVSOnet Proposal
If you want to observe a star using AAVSOnet, you should submit a proposal. You can do that using the AAVSOnet Proposal Form:
APASS: The AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey
Data Release 10 is now available.
Through a grant from the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund, the AAVSO is performing an all-sky photometric survey. This survey is conducted in eight filters: Johnson B and V, plus Sloan u', g′, r′, i′, z_s and Z. It is valid from about 7th magnitude to about 17th magnitude.
AAVSOnet Epoch Photometry Database
The AAVSOnet Epoch Photometry Database comprises robotically-processed photometry obtained from all images taken with AAVSOnet telescopes. The major component of this database are observations from the Bright Star Monitor network, as these telescopes have taken the majority of images. There are smaller datasets from telescopes that were only operational during the early days of AAVSOnet, covering fewer targets but going much deeper and often with high cadence (time series). For all current telescopes, the intent is to provide public access to older dat
The AAVSO Research Portal
Welcome to the AAVSO's Research Portal. From this page, you can find information about obtaining AAVSO data, requesting new observations, or learning more about the AAVSO, its data, and its services for the research community. Its purpose is to facilitate your use of the AAVSO's resources in your research efforts.
See the gray boxes on the right hand side of this page to access the AAVSO data archives or to find out how to work with the AAVSO to obtain new scientific data.
BSM - Berry's Enclosure
Here are some photos taken by Gary Walker showing the setup of BSM-Berry on the roof of AAVSO HQ. (click on each photo for a larger version)
These are his comments:
BSM - Berry
Bright Star Monitor - Berry (BSM Berry)
(The text below was adapted from an article in the AAVSO Inner Sanctums newsletter, January 2011)